As part of the Yoga Alliance Social Credentialing system, teachers that register with Yoga Alliance must submit a review of the RYS training program they completed.
Feedback from trainees provides Registered Yoga Schools with the opportunity to understand their trainees’ experiences in order to continually improve their trainings.
By choosing to display comments, schools enable trainees to provide insight into a school’s culture and training which helps potential trainees choose the right teacher training for their individual path with yoga.
General Comments
I am beyond blessed to have taken this specific YTT program, it is so deeply rooted in the tradition of Yoga, with information that is so delicately and diligently presented in such a way for easy and deep absorption. This is a program that changed my life in more ways than one, not only career-wise but also lifestyle. The lead instructor, Karla, is so devoted to Yoga as a whole that it truly shines through in preparation and holding of space as a teacher, as well as hosting it at a beautiful wellness center, Soderworld. It was not only education but also group therapy, and when graduation arrived, I and my fellow students all felt like we could go out and teach yoga the very next day with no hesitation, taking that beautiful way of holding space with us. I highly recommend this school and this teacher and am so very blessed to have been part of such a profound learning experience!