Media Inquiries
Yoga Alliance is the leading non-profit organization serving yoga schools and teachers around the world. The association provides globally-recognized credentials that stand as markers of high quality, safe, accessible, and equitable yoga teaching and unifies members around a shared Ethical Commitment.
Upholding Standards
Our yoga teacher training standards support the global yoga community’s efforts to serve students around the world, including advancing access to yoga among underrepresented populations. Show
To support the modern needs of our membership and the broader yoga community, Yoga Alliance undertook a comprehensive and inclusive Standards Review Project which brought together members and non-members, yoga teachers and practitioners, thought and field leaders, wisdom holders, and not-for-profit and for-profit business leaders from around the world to examine and up-level the legacy yoga teacher training standards. This effort resulted in elevated Registered Yoga School (RYS 200) standardsa strengthened application and review process, and member-wide Ethical Commitment, which outlines safe and respectful guidelines for the profession of yoga teaching. This commitment consists of three elements: a strengthened Code of Conduct, a new Scope of Practice, and a responsibility to Equity in Yoga.
Yoga Alliance provides the following credentials:
Registered Yoga School (RYS)
- RYS 200, RYS 300, RYS 500
- Registered Children’s Yoga School (RCYS)
- Registered Prenatal Yoga School (RPYS)
Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)
- RYT 200, RYT 500
- Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 200, E-RYT 500)
- Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP)
- Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher (RCYT)
- Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT)
Pursuing Social Justice
Racism and hatred are the opposites of all that yoga teaches, and we raise our voice in solidarity with those fighting for social justice for all. Show
Yoga Alliance and the Yoga Alliance Foundation stand with the Black Lives Matter movement and LGBTQIA+ community. In addition to facilitating ongoing social justice conversations and Continuing Education workshops internally and within the yoga community, Social Justice Resources are available online for those who would like to learn more, increase their awareness and empathy, and contribute to social justice causes.
Broadening Access to Yoga Through the Yoga Alliance Foundation
The Yoga Alliance Foundation leverages yoga for social impact and fosters an expansive, accessible, and equitable yoga community. Show
The Yoga Alliance Foundation works to broaden access to yoga’s healing potential, foster greater equity and more diverse representation within the yoga community, and expand educational, service, and economic opportunities for yoga teachers. To help address the community’s pressing needs due to COVID-19, the Yoga Alliance Foundation established an Emergency Relief Fund to support those within the yoga community hardest hit by this pandemic and Teaching for Equity, an ongoing initiative that supports yoga professionals across the globe who serve for little or no pay in bringing the healing benefits of yoga to communities who have experienced marginalization.
Navigating COVID-19
Throughout COVID-19, Yoga Alliance is serving yoga schools and teachers by providing access to relief funds and helping those who can transform their businesses online to serve the public during these challenging times. Show
The COVID-19 pandemic has had dramatic effects on the yoga teaching community, as its economic impact disproportionately affects small businesses and individuals whose income depends on in-person engagement, such as yoga schools and teachers. Among the many steps taken by the organization to support our community, Yoga Alliance developed to help those seeking business support, health and care information, Continuing Education, and guidance through a quick transition to online teaching due to social distancing regulations. The Yoga Alliance Foundation also launched an Emergency Relief Fund to provide global financial support to those within the yoga community experiencing extreme economic hardship due to the pandemic.
Advancing Equity in Yoga
Yoga Alliance members abide by an Ethical Commitment that unifies members around shared principles and fosters safe and respectful guidelines for the profession of yoga teaching. Show
Yoga Alliance’s position on equity deepens the understanding of and responsibility to the many instances of inequity that live in yoga spaces. We use the word equity to reference providing resources, tools, and support according to the specific needs of the individual or the community. Equity in yoga means equal opportunity to teach, practice, and study yoga safely, without harm or judgment. Honest and informative exchanges with our membership and the broader yoga community—as well as with leaders in the yoga equity movement—led to and influenced the development of our Ethical Commitment, including our strengthened Code of Conduct and new Scope of Practice.
Curating Yoga Research on Health and Wellbeing
Yoga Alliance curates the latest and most relevant research on yoga’s ancient, multi-faceted ability to improve health, wellness, and disease. Show
A vast library of evidence-based research that has been curated by our Director of Research Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa reveals the science of yoga and explains its therapeutic efficacy when used in conjunction with conventional medicine.
Additionally, the 2016 Yoga in America Study conducted by Yoga Alliance and Yoga Journal expands on the practice of yoga in America, following 2008 and 2012 studies by Yoga Journal.
Updating the Yoga Community
See our most recent releases and announcements. Show
- Yoga Alliance Adds Eight Members to Its Governing Boards of Directors — March 13, 2025
Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the
international yoga community, and Yoga Alliance Foundation, the organization’s charitable arm,
announced today it has expanded its Boards of Directors with eight new members...
- Illinois: Ventura measure to enhance physical, emotional health in schools passes Senate — April 10, 2024
School has become increasingly stressful for students, leading State
Senator Rachel Ventura to spearhead legislation that would help students reduce anxiety
and focus on their physical and emotional needs during school time...
- First of Its Kind Global Study of Yoga Reveals Stress Management and Mental Health are Driving Growing Interest and Participation, Yet Many Underserved Communities Are Largely Left Out — November 16, 2023
Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the international yoga community, announces today the results of a first-of-its-kind global survey researching the practice and profession of yoga...
- To Support Organizational Growth, Yoga Alliance Adds Seven Members to Its
Governing Boards of Directors — April 4, 2023
Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the international yoga community, and Yoga Alliance Foundation, the organization’s charitable arm, announced today it has expanded its Boards of Directors with a total of seven new members...
- The Yoga Alliance Foundation Opens Third Round of
Grants for its Teaching for Equity Program — October 4, 2022
The Yoga Alliance Foundation, the charitable arm of Yoga Alliance,
has announced applications are now open for its 2023 Teaching for Equity program...
- Yoga Alliance and Yoga Alliance Foundation Commit $1 Million to Improve Health in Underserved and Under-Resourced Communities in the United States — September 28, 2022
Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the international yoga community, proudly announces that it is launching a national initiative to improve health in underserved and under-resourced communities in the United States...
- Yoga Alliance Expands Executive Team, Adds Prominent Industry Influencers to Chart a New Future Forward for the Organization — August 16, 2022
Today Yoga Alliance announced several strategic additions and
changes to its executive team as the organization positions itself for the continued growth and
expansion of its mission and vision...
- Yoga Alliance and Yoga Alliance Foundation Now Accepting Nominations for Boards of Directors — August 1, 2022
Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the international yoga community, announced today that it is currently receiving nominations for seven open positions on the Yoga Alliance and Yoga Alliance Foundation
governing Boards...
- Yoga Alliance Launches Two New Programs to Provide Mental Health Support to Thousands of Yoga Professionals Around the Globe — July 12, 2022
Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the
international yoga community, announces today the launch of two innovative programs...
- Yoga Alliance Foundation Selected 25 Yoga Professionals for its Teaching for Equity Program, Supporting Teachers’ Work to Increase Access to Yoga in Communities That Face Barriers to the Practice — June 15, 2021
Today Yoga Alliance Foundation (YAF) announced that 25 yoga teachers
from seven countries were selected to be part of its inaugural Teaching for Equity (TFE) program...
- Yoga Alliance Names Toni Carey Vice President of Strategic Communications — May 5, 2021
Yoga Alliance (YA), the largest nonprofit global membership organization
for yoga teachers and schools, recently announced that Toni Carey (RYT 500) has been named Vice
President of Strategic Communications for Yoga Alliance and the Yoga Alliance Foundation (YAF)...
- Yoga Alliance Foundation Pilots ‘Teaching for Equity’ Program to Support Yoga
Professionals and the Communities They Serve — November 24, 2020
To support ongoing access to yoga around the world and the
economic recovery of yoga professionals, the Yoga Alliance Foundation (YAF) is piloting Teaching for Equity...
- Yoga Community Launches Global Fund to Support Professionals in Extreme Economic
Distress Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic — May 26, 2020
Understanding the significant, negative economic impact the yoga
community is experiencing due to COVID-19, the Yoga Alliance Foundation, the 501(c)(3) charitable arm
of Yoga Alliance, established its Emergency Relief Fund...
- Virtual Learning Update and Friday Sangha — March 19, 2020
We hope you, your loved ones, and your community are weathering this uncertain time as well as possible. Yoga Alliance is honored to support you, now and in the days ahead.…
- Recommendations for In-Person Yoga Teaching Related to COVID-19 — March 15, 2020
Thank you for the service and respite you are offering to your communities during this uncertain time. The experience of this collective challenge continues to remind us of a truth that we know to be so central to this community: that we are all—truly and unequivocally—intertwined…
Member Update: Enhanced COVID-19 Resources — March 14, 2020
Globally, we all have a watchful eye on the growing spread and changing implications of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19…
Member Update: RYS Provision in Response to COVID-19 — March 13, 2020
We at Yoga Alliance hope that you and your loved ones, both inside and outside of yoga, are safe and healthy during this uncertain time…
Member Update: COVID-19 Resources — March 4, 2020
Yoga Alliance has heard concerns from an increasing number of members about the growing spread of the coronavirus throughout the globe…
- Yoga Alliance Invites New Ethical Commitment and Strengthened Era of Accountability
as Initial Changes of its Standards Review Take Effect — February 27, 2020
- A Letter from Erin — February 28, 2020
As a follow up to Shannon’s letter yesterday, we are pleased to share greater detail about how the member-wide Ethical Commitment, the enhanced standards underlying the foundational-level Registered Yoga School (RYS) 200 credential…
Advancing the Understanding of Yoga and Yoga Teaching
Yoga Alliance and the Yoga Alliance Foundation experts in the areas of yoga, yoga teaching, service, and practice are available for comment. Please contact Show
VerywellMind spoke to our Director of Research about why yoga is proven to reduce work-related stress.
WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont, profiled Teaching for Equity participant Krista Marzewski on her work and the Yoga Alliance Foundation program to support access.
Women’s Health Magazine interviewed our Board Chair Kerry Maiorca on how to find the yoga practice that is right for you.
VerywellMind interviewed our Director of Research about new a newly published study on yoga's ability to help improve anxiety.
Independent Media Institute spoke with our experts about why yoga is essential for times like these.
Shape magazine article on the meaning of Om, featuring Vice President of Cross-Cultural Advancement Maya Breuer
Forbes piece on yoga after COVID-19, featuring Board Chair Kerry Maiorca
Forbes helps busts yoga myths, featuring Board Chair Kerry Maiorca and Vice President of Cross-Cultural Advancement Maya Breuer
Parade magazine on tips for being less stressed, featuring Vice President of Standards Dr. Christa Kuberry
For interviews and additional background,