RYS Review | Yoga Alliance

Social Credentialing

Last Updated: January 3, 2022

At this time, trainees will be asked the following questions:

  1. Required: How likely are you to recommend this training program to a friend or colleague? (Scale of 1 to 10) This score then gets converted to a Net Promoter Score, resulting as a 1 to 5 star rating on Yoga Alliance's public directory.
  2. Optional: Please share feedback about the RYS training program that might be posted on the school's public directory listing. (Text box)

Reviews from trainees are not anonymous and cannot be made anonymous. An RYS may choose to publish or unpublish all reviewer comments.

As part of the Yoga Alliance Social Credentialing system, trainees that complete a teacher training with a Registered Yoga School (RYS) are required to review that RYS teacher training. Trainees must complete the RYS review before they are able to continue registering as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT). The RYS staff will be able to see all of the trainees’ review responses and comments.

Overall School Rating

The Social Credentialing system is intended to provide members of the public with useful information when choosing the right teacher training for their individual yoga paths. Registered Yoga School profiles include a rating, out of five stars, based on how likely trainees say they are to recommend this teacher training.

RYSs Can Make Comments Public or Private

For all questions on the review other than the one mentioned above, the RYS staff can choose which ones they wish to publish on their RYS profile. If a school wishes to publish any of the comments provided, then all comments will be made public and attributable to the reviewer.

Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a standard business measure of loyalty and enthusiasm. It is important to note that unlike the Overall School Rating, the NPS is not a measurement of the quality of the teacher trainings, but rather reflects how likely trainees are to actively promote them to others.

NPS ratings are calculated by taking each trainee’s response, to the same question as the Overall School Rating (i.e. "How likely are you to recommend this teacher training to a friend?"), and putting them into one of three groups:

  • Ratings of 9 – 10 are "promoters." These trainees are likely to be enthusiastic about urging their friends to take your teacher training.
  • Ratings of 7 – 8 are "neutrals." These trainees are satisfied with the teacher training, but are not likely to recommending the training to others.
  • Ratings of 6 or less are "detractors." These trainees are unhappy with their experience.
Net Promoter Score
The NPS is calculated by taking the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors. The resulting number is a measure of how likely trainees who have taken the trainings are to actively recommend the trainings to others.

RYS staff can choose whether to display the Net Promoter Score on the school's public profile.

What the Public Sees

As an RYS your Overall School Rating will always be publicly visible, if your RYS profile is set to visible.

Trainees rate from 0-10 how likely they are to recommend your teacher training, and this is converted to a five-star rating. Beyond the public Overall School Rating, you can decide how much information is shown on your profile related to:

  • Training content ratings and comments
  • Knowledge/teaching skills ratings and comments
  • Net Promoter Score
  • General comments

Your responses to comments will be visible if you have that category of comments set to visible. To control what review questions appear on your profile, go to your RYS Review Settings page.

The Survey

Below is a sample School Evaluation Survey.

As a part of the Registered Yoga Teacher application process, all trainees are required to review the teacher training they completed.

The survey asks trainees to provide feedback on:

  • Whether the syllabus reflects what was taught during the training
  • Whether the training met the outlined learning objectives
  • Whether the number of Lead Teacher Contact hours matched the course description
  • Whether or not they would recommend the teacher training

Trainees also have an option to leave general comments. Registered Yoga Schools may add up to three custom questions to the review for trainees to answer.

School Evaluation Survey sample


Three Things to Know

  • School recommendations are converted from a 1-10 scale to a 1-5 star rating. (i.e., a "1" rating becomes 0 stars, a "3" becomes 1.5 stars, a "6" becomes 3 stars and a "10" becomes 5 stars)
  • Reviews are not anonymous and cannot be made anonymous.
  • A school may choose to publish all reviewer comments, syllabus reflection reviews and training Learning Objective reviews.