[ outdoor,Yoga Concept ]
Outdoor Yogas Citta Vritti Nirodah
Energy of the Nature activates our Chakras, then Outdoor Yoga makes us happy and free.
We provide not only Asana Practices on the Yoga mat, but also Yogic Lifestyles in the Nature.
Go outside the yoga studio and yoga mat, the Earth is your yoga mat and the Universe is your yoga teacher.
[ Registered Yoga School outdoor.yoga ]
outdoor.yoga is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance, which designates outdoor.yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) as one which follows Yoga Alliance’s standards. Students who complete a verified training with this school may be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYTs).
outdoor.yoga is also a Certificated Yoga School with Japan Outdoor Yogis’ Society (JOYS), which designates outdoor.yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) as one which follows JOYS’s standards. Students who complete a verified training with this school may be eligible to register with JOYS as Outdoor Yoga Teachers.
[ outdoor.yoga Teacher Training Courses ]
All Outdoor Yoga Teacher Training Courses (TTCs) are complying with Yoga Alliance and Japan Outdoor Yogis’ Society (JOYS) requirements.
- JOYS200 / RYT200: Outdoor Yoga Teacher training course
- JOYS30 / YACEP: Outdoor Yoga Basic training course
- JOYS Safety / YACEP: Outdoor Yoga Safety training course
- JOYS Mudra / YACEP: Outdoor Yoga Mudra training course
- JOYS PairYoga / YACEP: Outdoor Pair Yoga training course
[ outdoor.yogi.shige the Owner and the Lead Teacher of outdoor.yoga ]
Outdoor.Yogi.Shige is a Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT500) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with a Registered Yoga School (RYS200, RYS300).
Outdoor.Yogi.Shige is the Outdoor Yoga Master with Japan Outdoor Yogis’ Society (JOYS) , who established Outdoor Yoga Theories and Teacher Training Curriculums.
Hari Om Tat Sat