YogaUOnline | Member Perk | Yoga Alliance
This discount is available to all Yoga Alliance members.

Yoga Alliance Members receive complimentary access to: A three-part webinar series that includes bonus resources from master teachers, Judith Hanson Lasater and Julie Gudmestad: Keys to Teaching Mixed Classes and 50+ Students: How to Tap into the Largest Unmet Markets for Yoga Teachers.

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A three-part video series with Donna Farhi: Common Yoga Mistakes that Mess Up Your Sacroiliac Joints

Do you or your yoga students struggle with low back pain? It could be your sacroiliac (SI) joint. SI joint issues are becoming disturbingly common among yoga practitioners. In this free recorded video series, renowned author and yoga teacher Donna Farhi shows why wrong alignment can undermine the stability of the SI joint, and how to avoid it.

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The above offer(s) is/are provided to you as a benefit for being a Yoga Alliance member. For additional offers, please visit the Member Discounts page.