Net Promoter Score
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a standard business measure of loyalty and enthusiasm. It is important to note that unlike the Overall Rating, the NPS is not a measurement of the quality of your courses, but rather reflects how likely participants are to actively promote them to others.
NPS ratings are calculated by taking each participant's response, to the same question as your overall YACEP rating (i.e. "How likely are you to recommend this course to a friend?", and putting them into one of three groups:
- Ratings of 9 – 10 are “promoters”. These participants are likely to be enthusiastic about urging their friends to take your courses.
- Ratings of 7 – 8 are “passives”. These participants are satisfied with the course, but are not likely to recommending the course to others.
- Ratings of 6 or less are “detractors”. These participants are unhappy with their experience.

The NPS is calculated by taking the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors. The resulting number is a measure of how likely participants who have taken your courses are to actively recommend your courses to others.
YACEPs chose whether to display their Net Promoter Score on their public profile.
What the Public Sees
Your YACEP® Public Rating will always appear on your public profile, if you have your profile set to visible.
Participants rate from 0-10 how likely they are to recommend your course, and this is converted to a five-star rating. Only the ratings from Yoga Alliance members are averaged into the five-star rating that appears as your YACEP® Public Rating.
Beyond the public rating, you can decide how much information you want to show on your profile related to:
- Course content ratings and comments
- Knowledge/teaching skills ratings and comments
- Net Promoter Score
- General comments
Your responses to comments will be visible if you have that category of comments set to visible. To control what review questions appear on your profile, go to your Review Settings page.