Molly Schreiber - Teacher Profile | Yoga Alliance
Challenge to Change - 25289481_898664536963327_6559590077889304767_n [810]
Sadie Loves Yoga
Books - Sadie Loves Yoga [828]
Toddler Card deck
Card Decks - Toddler Card deck [851]
card decks
Card Decks - card decks [825]

Molly Schreiber

Dubuque, IA 52001, USA

Connect with Me

About Molly Schreiber

Molly Schreiber, a former elementary school teacher who always had a passion for fitness.  She is a certified Personal Trainer through ACE Fitness and a E-RYT 200,RCYT, YACEP Registered Yoga Teacher through the Yoga Alliance. Molly is a fitness professional and instructs...

Molly Schreiber, a former elementary school teacher who always had a passion

for fitness.  She is a certified Personal Trainer through ACE Fitness and a

E-RYT 200,RCYT, YACEP Registered Yoga Teacher through the Yoga Alliance.

Molly is a fitness professional and instructs yoga to all ages at her studio

Challenge to Change Inc. She the author of Sadie Loves Yoga and

Melody of Meditation with a 3rd book coming soon, creator of guided

meditations and kids yoga card decks, inspirational speaker, a national yoga

teacher to school teachers, and she offers a 95 hour Challenge To Change

Kids Yoga Teacher Training so you are able to share the amazing power of

breath and movement to our kids!


As a successful entrepreneur, business visionary, fitness enthusiast and

humble mom of 4, Moly was inspired by the work of mindfulness author

Susan Greenland, child psychologist Christopher Willard, musician Kira Willey

and clinical psychologist Patricia C. Broderick who connects emotional awareness

to higher cognitive function.  Molly's goal is to provide education on yoga and

mindfulness and why these exercises improve the mental and physical health

of young students.  She believes that each choice we make leads us exactly

where we need to be, and knowing that can be very powerful.  The power of

positive actions and reactions can make our lives so much better.


“Our minds are meant to think, think, think and our bodies are meant to move,

move, move,” said Molly Schreiber, who, with her program Challenge to Change,

is instructing schools across the country on how to innovate yoga practice.



Molly inspires audiences with her "Think Positive and Positive Things

Will Happen" presentation developed after starting her own business after,

at the age of 30, was widowed with three young children.  At that tragic

time in her life, she had to make the choice, "Do I survive or thrive?" She

decided to thrive and turned her mess into a beautiful and inspiring message.


Molly shares her bold approach to life and teaches others to take risks, think

bigger, and live with purpose in her "Live an Inspired Life: Be Healthy,

Be Happy, Be Positive" presentation.


Mindfulness in Classrooms: How does mindfulness look in home, school

and work settings? These one to three hour in-services explain what happens

when mindfulness is implemented into the classroom and how to make it a part

of your day to day routine.  


Molly has written has been featured by the Iowa Department of Education

Newsletter, YogaIowa, Her Magazine, local/regional new stations and

local/national newspapers.


To learn more about Challenge to Change, Inc  Kids, Toddler and Teen

Yoga Teacher Training, yoga teacher training classes and workshops for

teachers, or to book Molly as an inspirational speaker for your group, workshop,

meeting, or conference, please contact her at

First Registered May 2014
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

Teaching Experience


Motivational & Inspirational Speaker

January 2017 - Current
3337 Hillcrest Rd
Dubuque, IA, United States

Challenge To Change, Inc.

May 2016 - Current
3337 Hillcrest Road
Dubuque, IA, USA

Challenge To Change - Owner

January 2015 - Current
3337 Hillcrest Rd
Dubuque, IA, United States

Body & Soul Wellness

January 2013 - Current
Dubuque, IA, USA
First Registered May 2014
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider YACEP® Profile