Kristine Muktidevi Demafeliz is a born and raised San Franciscan. She initially received her certification back in 2014 from the Integral Yoga® Institute in the heart of San Francisco, completing their Fall Basic Yoga Teacher Training program. She received the spiritual Sanskrit name "Muktidevi" from TT staff when she received her certification which translates “Goddess of Liberation,” which reminds her every day to remain grounded in her life and to maintain her true nature of peace. She is certified in Basic Hatha I, Intermediate Hatha II, Accessible Yoga (Gentle), Mindful Resilience Training through the Veterans Yoga Project to teach trauma-informed yoga and recently graduated in Meditation Teacher Training. She wishes to pursue future trainings such as Yoga for First Responders as she is the A/Wellness Officer for the San Francisco Police Department.
She discovered a DEEP passion for yoga and has been a practitioner for 17 years. The moment she step foot at the IYI, she said it was TRULY a life-changing experience and grew to become more disciplined in her life. She said that the 200-hour certification program was definitely a time-tested journey but in turn, she was enriched and enlightened by the great teachings of the Integral Yoga® tradition. In the end, it was all well worth it as it allowed for her to gain the knowledge and true-depth study of the science and philosophy of YOGA. Muktidevi is very happy to have fulfilled one of her dreams by becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher!
For 27 years, Muktidevi has been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and continues to carry out the practices of yoga to help her maneuver through life’s challenges when facing adversity and says that the benefits of yoga have helped her tremendously on more than just a physical level but also with her mind, spirit and heart. While offering Mixed-Level traditional yoga classes, her intentions are to also support and assist individuals who may have injuries and/or experience living with a health condition(s) to help guide them through a "beautiful, powerful and unique yoga practice." She strongly believes that by maintaining a positive mindset, steady yoga practice, pranayama (breathing practices) and meditation can improve and enhance the overall well-being to restoring balance in One's life.
*105-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered to Teach Meditation
*170-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered to Teach Intermediate Level II Hatha Yoga
*80-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered to Teach Accessible Yoga (Gentle Yoga)
*200-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered to Teach Beginner Level I Hatha Yoga
*CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid – ASHI-Approved Certification Card
Adult, Child, and Infant – American Safety & Health Institute (Recommended Renewal Date: November 1, 2024)