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Are You Ready to Become a Yoga Community Leader? 

August 29, 2013

Earlier this year, we announced our new Local Community Initiative to encourage our members to create networking groups of teachers, studio owners, and school directors. Over the last few months, many members have expressed an interest in the vision to create a safe space for collaboration in your local communities, but have been unsure of how to take the first step. 

We have partnered with Off the Mat, Into the World™ (OTM) to provide tools, training, and support for Yoga Alliance® members who are ready to step into a community leadership role as part of the Local Community Initiative.  

Starting this fall, we will lead a select group of passionate Yoga Alliance leaders through the Alliance in Action training program. The program is designed to give you the necessary tools to work collaboratively and effectively with your peers to find a shared vision and purpose for spreading the power of yoga in your communities. 

Join us by attending the first Alliance in Action training orientation call! 

Alliance in Action: Training Orientation Call 

You can attend either 90-minute call to receive the same information. Sign up for one of the calls using the links below:
Tuesday, September 10 at 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET / 10:00-11:30 a.m. PT
Wednesday, September 11 at 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET / 10:00-11:30 a.m. PT

Meet Kerri Kelly, executive director of Off the Mat, Into the World™ (OTM) and Yoga Alliance public affairs manager, Katie Desmond, to kick off our Local Community Initiative. In the orientation, we will train you on how to recruit other leaders in your community, facilitate your peers and give you a model curriculum that you will take back to your community group.  We will follow-up with support calls to check in on your progress. 

Armed with the tools and curriculum, you will lead your community through a four-week strategic planning and visioning process.  Each week of the curriculum delves into a unique topic that is critical for successful alliance-building, including: mind-body connection, finding your purpose, building collaboration skills, and creating a one-year roadmap. The curriculum is based on OTM’s successful Yoga in Action program, which has already been offered in more than 125 communities around the world. 

It is our hope that the program will help both new and established community leaders develop their leadership skills to better serve the yoga community. New leaders will find practical tools to get started and build a network of allies, and established leaders will be rejuvenated by a fresh approach on how to keep the momentum going over time.  

We hope that you are as excited as we are to get started in this collaboration and transform our local communities.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to us at community@yogaalliance.org.

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