Protect Colorado Yoga | Yoga Alliance

Alert for All Colorado Yogis

December 23, 2014

You may be aware that the Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools (“DPOS”) is attempting to impose burdensome and expensive requirements on yoga teacher training schools (“YTTs”) in the state. YTTs across Colorado have already received letters from the DPOS directing them to submit information and pay fees. Like you, Yoga Alliance® has significant concerns about the onerous and expensive requirements to which many YTTs will be subjected, and we are committed to working with you to oppose this unnecessary regulation.

Over the past several weeks, Yoga Alliance has advocated on your behalf to lawmakers, regulators and decision makers in this state.

Now, we need your help. It’s time to make our voices heard.

If you oppose the regulation of YTTs:

  1. Contact the Governor. Write your own letter or use our sample letter asking Governor Hickenlooper to oppose the DPOS effort. Simply print, sign (include your address), and send to 136 State Capitol, Denver, CO 80203.

  2. Contact your State Senator and Representative. Find the names of your local legislators and write them a letter to express your thoughts to the General Assembly. You can also utilize our sample letters for Representatives and Senators. Make sure to sign and send a copy to both your Senator and Representative. Letters to all members of the Assembly may be sent to 200 E. Colfax, Denver, CO 80203.

  3. Ask Others to Help. Encourage your friends, family, fellow yogis, and anyone else who supports the Colorado yoga community to send letters, too. Ask them to send copies to the Governor and their representatives. Simply put, please help us get as many letters out as possible!

  4. Get Loud on Social Media. Have a Facebook or Twitter account? Make sure to share and retweet Yoga Alliance’s messages opposing regulation in Colorado, and write your own too! Add the hashtag #ProtectColoradoYoga to your posts and build our community of supporters.

  5. Contact Us. Over the coming weeks and months, we will have more opportunities for members of the yoga community to attend meetings, contact state decision makers and media, and show support. If you want to be part of this effort, please let us know at To those of you who have already reached out, thank you.

As you enjoy this holiday season, please know that Yoga Alliance stands with you against harmful regulations by the state. We look forward to working with you to protect yoga instruction and the yoga community in Colorado.

Yoga Alliance flower logo 

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