CE Workshop | How to Prepare for Tax Season as a Yoga Professional in the U.S.

April 5, 2023

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About This Event

With the US federal tax return deadline fast approaching, join your fellow yoga professionals for a session designed to help you prepare to complete your tax return. We'll hear from Rachel Clark of the CFO Services Group about some of the basics you need to know whether you are a teacher, business owner, or both. This session will include:

  • Suggestions for how to organize your paperwork if you're working with a tax professional
  • What you might want to start doing *now* to prepare for a smoother tax season next year
  • How to evaluate when you and your business are ready to hire a professional bookkeeper or accountant

About the Presenter

Rachel Clark has been helping business owners transform and run their business for over 19 years. Her excellent leadership skills, effective management and supervisory skills has helped her lead complex teams, in a multitude of industries. Her complex thinking skills has allowed her to develop structure and systems that allows an organization to run efficiently and productively. After graduating from Business School acquiring a B.S. from Sonoma State University, she began her career in Executive Recruiting. This allowed her to develop many people skills that gave her an experience of working with a myriad of employees and identifying how to get results through other people. She spent 16 years coaching business owners, which helped her acquire skills working with CEO's and building a business to achieve their Vision's. Her career has been built on connecting CEO's to the functions of their business, including employees, that allows for the entire business eco system to run successfully.

In her free time, Rachel is an avid long-distance runner, wife and mother. She resides in Mendocino, CA where she and her husband continue to operate their own small business.

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