Teachers can register as a RPYT if they have successfully completed both a 200-hour yoga teacher training and an 85-hour prenatal yoga training—in either order—that are registered with Yoga Alliance. Applicants must submit 30 teaching hours in prenatal yoga which must be performed after completing a training with a RPYS (Registered Prenatal Yoga School).

Teachers can no longer register as a RPYT via grandparenting.

Training Requirements

✓ Completed a 200-hour teacher training with a RYS 200
✓ Completed a 85-hour teacher training with a Registered Prenatal Yoga School (RPYS)

Teaching Requirements

✓ Has at least 30 hours of teaching experience in prenatal yoga since completing training with a RPYS

How to Maintain Your Registration

  1. Abide by our Code of Conduct
  2. Abide by Yoga Alliance Registry's Policy on the Use of Yoga Therapy Terms
  3. Complete your Continuing Education Requirement every three years
  4. Pay your annual renewal fees